Many people underestimate themselves or don’t realise their own potential and how powerful they can be. As a result, they settle for less…

Hey, I know what it’s like… you’re thinking to yourself there must be more out there, something bigger for you….

Something that will bring you to life and give you real energy and enthusiasm

Something that will give you real meaning…

That something is purpose!

Purpose is what we value most, the thing we are here to do and what lights us up the most.

The problem is you don’t know how to access your purpose, and as a result, you inadvertently hold back from using your unique gift, your talent and your potential…  I did all that… I held back!

It’s not a good feeling, in fact I was frustrated, annoyed and anxious knowing I wasn’t truly living according to my real purpose.

learn to become the powerhouse you were meant to be!

Jump into this event to discover what that is and how to take action and apply!


Feels like you’re playing it small and not using your real potential

Constant feelings of frustration by not taking action

Self-doubt, low confidence and lack of self-belief is holding you back

Living life on a hamster wheel 

after the event

Inspired to go on your own mission, knowing you have the potential right here

Ready to stand tall and take action with certainty

Feel empowered and know how to get out of your own way

Energised and enthusiastic to get up each morning to go fulfil your mission 





Saturday, 14th November 2020

Doors opens at 10.45am for 11am start and concludes at 1pm


The event will be held at PAN PACIFIC HOTEL

207 Adelaide Terrace, Perth  WA  6000

Danny Marriner

Purpose & Empowerment Coach


Purpose & Empowerment Coach, Danny Marriner, student and mentored by some of the greatest teachers in personal development including Dr Wayne Dyer, Dr Eric Thomas, John Demartini and Henare O’Brien promotes his M-POWER events for all the magnificent men and women who are ready to be the inspired leader they were born to be!

“I am here to empower you to step up for yourself, your family and your friends. When you step up, you will encourage and inspire not only yourself, but those around you; and when empowered, you create more opportunities and you become a magnet to which people are drawn and attracted to…” – Danny Marriner

Copyright © 2020 Marriner Performance