Stand Tall &
End the F*%KERY!

become a powerhouse

Many people underestimate themselves or don’t realise their potential and how powerful they can be. As a result, they settle for less…

Courage, confidence, inspiration and alignment to purpose will get you on the path to stand tall and be powerful.

So, if you KNOW there’s more and you want to ACHIEVE GREATNESS, grab your copy to STAND TALL and reach your potential!


How to END THE UNCONSCIOUS F*%KERY, nonsense stories and beliefs which are holding you back from fulfilling your purpose/ potential and how stepping up and challenging these old beliefs and perceptions will improve your life

Understand how to OWN YOUR TRAITS and be the hero of your story by stepping into the unknown space to drive action and become a powerhouse

Get CREATIVE using a BLANK CANVAS to fill your own inspiring and purposeful future. With the courage and self-belief to go on your own journey, complete the various ‘how to’ activities in each chapter to inspire you into action!




Danny Marriner

Purpose & Empowerment Coach


Purpose & Empowerment Coach, Danny Marriner is a student and been mentored by some of the greatest teachers in personal development including Dr Wayne Dyer, Dr Eric Thomas, Dr John Demartini and Henare O’Brien.  Danny promotes his latest book “Stand Tall & End the F*%kery” along with various M-POWER events for all the magnificent men and women who are ready to be the inspired leader they were born to be!

“I am here to empower you to step up for yourself, your family and your friends through your purpose. When you step up, you will encourage and inspire not only yourself, but those around you; and when aligned to your purpose and empowered, you create more opportunities and you become a magnet to which people are drawn and attracted to…” – Danny Marriner

Copyright © 2017 Marriner Performance